School Bus Safety in Your Neighborhood

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It's almost back-to-school time again, and a great time to review some simple school bus safety tips for using those big yellow buses!

Dublin City school girl getting on bus

It’s almost back-to-school time again, and a great time to review some simple school bus safety tips for using those big yellow buses! There are “Safety 6” suggestions for parents, and the “Great 8” rules for kids:

Learn How to Ensure School Bus Safety in Your Neighborhood

Safety 6 for parents:

  1. Rules, rules, rules: Go over your family bus rules for walking, waiting, and riding. The driver will go over the district code of bus conduct with kids, but every repetition helps make safety a habit. Not sure what rules to make? See the “Great 8” for kids below.
  2. Schedule it: Bus schedules with bus numbers are posted on your school district websites, and in the This Week Newspapers shortly before school starts. Print or clip a copy of your bus schedule with bus number and post it in your kitchen or on your front door. This allows everyone to know when to expect the bus, and which bus to catch!
  3. Co-op the stop: Cooperate with neighbors sharing your bus stop, and arrange to have at least one parent at the stop every day for both AM and PM. Whether it’s a formal schedule or one parent volunteering for full time duty with a back-up on sick days, kids are safer with an adult at the stop. (Exchange cell phone numbers to make it easy to call the on-duty parent in case of emergency)
  4. Introduce yourself: During the first week of school, introduce yourself and your child to the bus driver. Yes, it’s awkward, but it shows the driver that you’re an involved parent and that you respect the driver’s role in your child’s life. Start off on the right foot!
  5. Disaster plan: Make a plan for common disasters. Missed the bus? Suspended from riding? Too cold to wait outdoors? Have an alternate planned, such as a carpool or designated parent/friend who can drive if your child can’t ride. Make sure your child has a key or code to get into home to call you.
  6. Grab those digits: Find the phone number for the bus service or transportation department on your school district website and copy it into your phone and into your emergency numbers list at home. When a bus is late, early, or altogether missing in action, you’ll have the right number to call for information at your fingertips. If your child has a phone, make sure your numbers are in there, too.

Great 8 Bus Rules for Kids:

  1. Walk. If you run, you may trip, or forget to look both ways when crossing the street!
  2. Be on time. Arrive 5 minutes before the bus is due, and you’ll never have to run to catch it.
  3. Look. Look before crossing the street, and look to see that the driver is looking at YOU when crossing in front of the bus.
  4. Stay back. Stay at least 3 feet from the edge of the curb where the bus stops. In icy or rainy weather, buses can slip or slide up to or OVER the curb. Stay back and stay safe.
  5. Stay visible. The bus driver is way up high, and can’t see the area right next to the bus, even with mirrors. The Danger Zone is 10 feet next to the bus. If you can see the driver’s face, the driver can see YOU.
  6. Play it safe. Talk quietly or read, but don’t play games at the bus stop or on the bus. Kids who are playing are having fun, but they aren’t paying attention to safety or to the driver.
  7. Stranger Danger. Don’t approach a strange car or accept a ride from anyone without parent approval. Stick together with your bus stop buddies and just say no to strangers.
  8. Under 8 needs a guide. Children under 8 are not ready to walk or wait by themselves. Whether it’s a parent, sibling, or older neighbor kid, K-2 student should stick with an older buddy for safety.

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