10 Considerations for Sellers in a Multiple Offer Situation
You’ve listed your property and now you’ve got multiple offers on it. Here are 10 Considerations for Sellers in a Multiple Offer Situation.
10 Considerations for Sellers in a Multiple Offer Situation
You’ve listed your property and now you’ve got multiple offers on it. Here are 10 Considerations for Sellers in a Multiple Offer Situation.
5 Tips on How to Care for a Gas Fireplace
Many people expect to do regular maintenance on a wood burning fireplace but did you know gas fireplaces require some maintenance too? Safety note: Always make sure your gas and pilot light are turned off and the fireplace is cooled to room temperature before any cleaning. Follow your manufacturer’s recommended maintenance and cleaning instructions. The […]
6 Tips for Maintaining Your Wood-Burning Fireplace
With a little care and maintenance your fireplace will provide many evenings of comfort, warmth and ambiance during the cooler weather. Here are 6 Tips for Maintaining Your Wood-Burning Fireplace to help you keep it in tiptop shape. Once a year, have your chimney cleaned and inspected by a licensed or certified Chimney Sweep. They […]
Your Property Taxes: Tax Levy Estimator
The elections included several levy proposals which can affect property taxes, so you may be wondering how the vote will affect your taxes. Have you seen the information from the Franklin or Delaware County Auditors about their Tax Levy Estimator? Both county auditors offer these simple apps on their websites to help property owners see […]
Don’t Forget to Winterize Your Irrigation System
Water expands as it freezes, so don’t forget to winterize your irrigation system by closing the water supply and removing all the water in the underground pipes! You can have a professional do it for a fee, or you can do it yourself for the cost of a rented compressor, either way you should understand […]
Things All First-time Landlords Need to Know
Becoming a landlord is more than just buying a space and getting someone to move in. There’s a lot more to it, and it might surprise you just how much you need to take care of and be aware of before really getting into the game. To make sure you know just where to start, […]